
The intro is easily one of the most recognizable

There are tons of requests for Ottensmann to include many more cities from World of Warcraft in the intro. A number of requests have gone out for the Undercity, as many claim they would love to Fifa 17 Coins see that brought to life in the particular style used in the video above, while others clamored in textual format to see Silvermoon, Maelstrom and Darnassus brought to life as well.

While his intro for World of Thrones may lack a lot of the various cities featured in Blizzards popular MMO, it does a good job of bringing a few of the well known cities to life. He also does a fine job of getting the 3D to look and mimic the stop-motion effect that the HBO series appears to employ for the intro. The Game of Thrones intro has been remade in a number of different ways, including someone making a version for The Legend of Zelda, Legos and even one for Super Mario Bros.

The intro is easily one of the most recognizable and engaging in recent times, showing that a popular intro can go a long way in pop culture. As far as World of Warcraft is concerned, Ottensmann might return to it and add more cities and possibly extend it to finish out with the song. If it goes viral he could even make a decent penny on Buy Fifa Coins the ad revenue, assuming he uses a cover for the theme song of Game of Thrones as opposed to using the original from Ramin Djawadi.

