As we all know. FIFA 16 will officially be released on 22 Sep. lots of fans have had enjoy the demo for several days. It’s really a big difference between 16 and 15. Not only the details about the game play. But also the market transfer. Here is the four tips about Fifa 16 Coins market transfer changes.
Webstart can give all the verified FUT 15 players a good chance to begin their FUT 16 season in advance. they can build their FUT 16 squads before the season is coming. However webstrat is only for verified FUT 15 players. Not for 14 or 13. Besides if your account has had been banned or wiped. You will don’t have the access to the webstart either.
There is no doubt that market transfer plays a rare role in FUT 16. In the upcoming FIFA 16. The price ranges will become more wider. Which means that the fluctuation of the ball players’ price will more frequently and wider.
In FUT 15. Players can transfer across platforms. It will not happen in FUT 16. Players only have a one-time option to transfer their FIFA Points from 15 to 16 on the same console or across the same console generations.
EA show that there will be more new security features to prevent illegal generation of coins in order to Cheap Fifa 16 Coins make the FIFA 16 more justice.So we see that FUT 16 will have several changes from FUT 15.