
According to the latest FIFA news from

According to the latest FIFA news from , it is reported that former Chelsea boss Mourinho wants to continue to Fifa 16 Coins stay in the United Kingdom to coach Manchester United. So he refused the invitations from Italy and CSL clubs and will not accept other invitations.

Previously. including BBC, a number of media reports, the Manchester United club has been in contact with Mourinho, Manchester United declined to respond to this. Mourinho plans this summer to replace Van Gaal and become the new coach. However, the team's poor performance in recent days may make this plan ahead of schedule.

After leaving Chelsea, Mourinho received at least one coaching invitation from the Chinese Super League club and one from Italy. The specific names are unknown. Mourinho has already refused and he believes he can become the new coach of Manchester United. Welcome to Cheap Fifa 16 Coins buy cheap and fast FIFA coins here.http://www.fifa16shop.com/

